
Executive Protection

Public figures, high-net-worth individuals and VIPs may be exposed to heightened personal risk due to their status, careers, affiliations, geography or net worth. With strategic risk assessment and advanced planning, experienced security teams protect these high-risk individuals from physical, financial and reputational harm.
Teutonic provides executive protection services for high profile individuals to ensure their safety and prevent security issues. Our discreet professionals specialize in helping government and commercial customers protect VIP personnel. With decades of experience, our protective security specialists are continually recognized for their commitment to professionalism and quality service.

Reception and Concierge Services

Reception and Concierge Services-According to customer needs, we provide customers with suitable vehicles, and can also arrange trained and qualified drivers to pick up and off customers. Whether it is airports, shopping malls, offices, courts, hospital, etc., we will ‘’plan for customers quickly”, concealed and safe route H

Event Security

From major sporting events to national political conventions, advanced planning and a strong security presence is necessary for ensuring a safe environment for its VIPs and attendees.Teutonic specializes in security services for various public, private and U.S. Government events. This includes advanced threat assessment, planning and monitoring, large crowd control, and immediate crisis response. We staff special events, after-hours events, and augment existing staff during heightened security periods. These events range from public hearings, sporting events, large conventions and entertainment events.
Leveraging our relationships with the law enforcement community, we liaise with local and federal law enforcement for traffic and crowd control, adherence to local event mandates, and pre-planning in support of collaborative responses in the event of an emergency. Our professional, experienced personnel are skilled at delivering reliable and high-quality event security while ensuring the safety and security of all people, property and infrastructure.

High-Consequence Protection

have valuable items that need to be transported or displayed, we provide round-the-clock supervision and escort.